Follow Up Questions:

Was there a leader on your team? Who was it and who decided who the leader would be?

  • If you had no leader, do you think having designated someone a leader would have helped?

  • If you had a leader, how did he/she do? Of the leadership practices we have learned so far, which did your leader use?

  • How helpful was everyone on your team in challenging the process of building the tallest structure? Did anyone appear to be an expert?

  • Did any team members tune out of the activity — out of frustration with other members or for some other reason? What could you have done to keep all members of the group fully engaged?

  • Did you feel everyone's ideas were well received during the activity?

  • How did you feel as the time limit was approaching? Did pressure increase? If yes, was that helpful or not?

  • In retrospect, what could you have done better to enhance your ability to Challenge the Process?

  • Did you practice outsight? Where might new ideas have come from given your time constraint?

  • Did you celebrate small wins? If yes, how did you do this?