Revenge of the Electric Car


  • Watch Revenge of the Electric Car

Submission (any format)

  • Answer the following questions

    1. Do you think the electric car will catch on and win over consumers? What specific factors would make buying an electric car an attractive proposition for most people?

    2. Do you agree with Thomas Friedman’s statement that electric car development is not going to be solved by regulators or bureaucrats, but by engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs? Is there a role for government in this process? If so, what is it?

    3. Was the government bailout and takeover of Detroit automakers in 2009 a good idea, or was it just preserving an industry that needs to make fundamental, structural changes? Can a new type of car industry emerge in Detroit? If so, what will it take in order for that to happen?

    4. Some people feel that GM is too damaged as a company and can’t be relied on to produce and sell an electric car that consumers want. Do you agree? Why or why not? What is the public perception of the traditional U.S. auto industry?

    5. Why do you think Carlos Ghosn declined when he was asked to run General Motors?

    6. Can Tesla remain a viable company without following the Detroit model, that is, mass-producing affordable cars for the general public?

    7. Of the three CEOs profiled in the film, which one do you think has the most successful strategy for his company’s success in producing an electric car? Explain your choice.

    8. Do-it-yourselfers such as Greg Abbott (Gadget) are essentially creating custom-made electric versions of brand-name cars. How much of an impact do you think they will have on the market for electric cars? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in acquiring a car that’s been converted from gas to electric?

    9. Has this film changed your thinking about electric cars? If so, in what way?