Steve Jobs Documentary "One Last Thing"


  • Watch Documentary Steve Jobs: One Last Thing

Submission (any format)

  • Answer the following questions

    • Describe to me in detail five things you learned about Steve Jobs or Apple from the documentary:

    • Do you have a different perspective on Jobs or Apple after watching the film? Why or why not?

    • In your opinion, was Steve Jobs management style before or after his “firing” from Apple seem to work the best? Why?

    • Do you believe it is important to be well liked or well feared when you are the boss of a company? Explain.

    • Is it important to build strong relationships with your employees or is getting too close a bad idea? Where do you find balance? Explain.

    • There are many people who believe that Steve Jobs is one of the few revolutionary figures of this day and age. Do you agree or disagree with that concept? Why or why not?

    • What do you think about the future of Apple?